
skinfo® Specialty Skincare Boutique is unique because all of our staff are licensed professionals. So when you walk into our store, a skincare specialist is ready to help you create, enhance, or perfect your skincare routine. Not only are our staff experts on all our products, but they can identify which skincare ingredients may be specifically helpful to you. As licensed professionals, our staff members are continually taking classes and attending seminars, so they are always up to date on the latest in skincare and aesthetics.

Because our staff members are so highly trained, skinfo can be your one-stop-shop for all your aesthetic needs. Along with our hundreds of skincare products, we offer several services right in our store. Facial waxing, tinting, and tweezing appointments are available, as well as one-on-one skincare consultations. With our large collection of glo Skin Beauty makeup, we offer makeup applications, lessons, and color matching.

Our owner and founder Amy Forman Taub, MD, FAAD hand selects every product we carry at skinfo. She has taken the top products from several medical-grade skincare lines, so we are truly selling the best of the best. Our products are clinically tested to ensure they are effective and there is evidence to back any claims. Most of these products can only be sold through licensed physicians, which is why having a highly educated staff is so important in assuring our customers are receiving the proper directions on how and when to use our products.