UPNEEQ® Consultations

Those with low-lying eyelids, or acquired blepharoptosis, can experience vision field impairment, making some daily tasks hard to complete. UPNEEQ® (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution, .1%) is a daily eyedrop designed to help lift eyelids in adults. It is preservative-free and safe for adults to use. Low-lying eyelids may be related to more serious conditions, such as stroke or brain aneurysm. If you suspect this to be the case, consult with your doctor before using UPNEEQ®.
To start using UPNEEQ®, schedule a virtual or in-person consultation at Advanced Dermatology. A licensed medical professional will consult with you about your health history, instruct you on proper usage, and go over potential side effects before prescribing UPNEEQ®.
What is UPNEEQ®?
Upneeq (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution, .1%) is a prescription eye drop to help lift eyelids in those with acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying eyelids).
How do I use UPNEEQ®?
If wearing contact lenses, remove them before applying. Wait 15 minutes after application before putting lenses back in. Apply one drop of UPNEEQ® to each eye once daily. Each UPNEEQ® vial is good for one use and should be disposed of after. Do not let the vial tip touch your eye or any other surface.
What benefits can I expect?
Patients who use UPNEEQ® can expect added lift to their eye lids. Patients may experience improved field of vision, making it easier to drive, read, use computers, etc.
Who should use UPNEEQ®?
Adults with low-lying eyelids (acquired blepharoptosis) are good candidates for UPNEEQ®. Low-lying eyelids may be associated with stroke, brain aneurysm, eye infection, Horner syndrome, myasthenia gravis, loss of ability to move eye muscles, eye infections or eye tumors. Consult with your doctor if you have any of these conditions.
Patients can expect to see results within 2 hrs. Some may notice improvement in at little as 5-10 minutes after application.
What are risks/side effects?
UPNEEQ® is typically very well tolerated and safe for most adults. Most common side effects are eye redness, eye inflammation, blurred vision, eye pain at time of use, eye irritation, and headache. These side effects affected 1-5% of participants in clinical trials.
UPNEEQ® may affect blood pressure. Patients with heart disease, high/low blood pressure, or those who feel faint at rest or when quickly standing up should use care when using UPNEEQ® and consult your doctor if these symptoms get worse. Patients taking beta-blockers, alpha andrergenic agonists, or other medications to treat abnormal heart beat or hypertension should use care when using UPNEEQ®. Those with reduced blood flow to the brain or heart, or those have dry eyes or mouth due to Sjögren’s syndrome should use care when using UPNEEQ® and consult your doctor if these symptoms get worse.
UPNEEQ® may increase the risk of eye pressure in patients with untreated narrow-angle glaucoma. If you feel increased pressure in your eye after using UPNEEQ®, call your doctor immediately.Patients using monoamine oxidase inhibitors (a class of antidepressants) should be aware that UPNEEQ® may affect how your body absorbs this medication.